Mimipenguin is a free and open source, simple yet powerful tool developed by Hunter Gregal, which can be used to...
Fio which stands for Flexible I/O Tester is a free and open source disk I/O tool used both for benchmark...
MyCLI is a very easy-to-use command line (CLI) command line interface for the popular relational database management systems MySQL, MariaDB,...
We have worked with so many clients, one of the biggest issues besides building their websites is hosting. In the...
WordPress has been constantly improving with new and exciting features in each new edition. Some of these new features range...
As a WordPress developer, whenever you build a new theme, plugin or even if you are testing out new features...
If you have done any form of web development in recent times, chances are, you've heard of ReactJS (popularly referred...
Social media has become an integral part of our lives such that having a website or a blog without share...
Positioning your website to be Search Engine Optimised (SEO) friendly can be a very daunting task depending on the industry...
One of the major issues that we see come in from most of our clients' support tickets is about running...
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